
Showing posts with the label #copywriting #socialmedia

3 Ways Every Believer Can Be Involved In The Great Commission

Great commission  Every person on earth needs to hear the message of Salvation. This message is that Jesus died for their sins, and they are reconciled to God through Christ’s death.  When Jesus was leaving the earth, He left the disciples with one command: Matthew 28: 18-20  And Jesus cam e and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in [ a ] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This is a mandate of every believer. It was not for the first disciples only, nor was it for people on the pulpit. Every believer is an ambassador of Jesus Christ, as Paul states in 1 Cor 5:18.  Why Share The Gospel?  The Harvest is plentiful.  People are hungry to receive hope and peace. They are searching for it in every aspect. Little do they kno...

Why You Need to be a Copywriter Now!

  Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read. Leo Burnett.   Copywriting is using either written or spoken word to make people take a specific action. You intend to make the reader, viewer, or listener of your content persuaded to make a specific action. Action can be clicking a link, calling to inquire more, subscribing through email, or buying something.  Copywriting can be an article or video content. Therefore, it can be an advert in the newspaper, a video ad on the TV, an audio ad on the radio, a 50-page sales on the website, a Facebook post, Instagram post, YouTube post, TIKTOK video, a 30minute live Facebook video, a meme, one hour podcast, and 300page book.  When preparing a copy, you must have a targeted prospect, a value to put in front of them, and the next step to invite them to take. You're trying to meet the needs of people through your content. People have desires, hope, worries, visions, and dreams that they wa...